Current Projects

DonWeberPhotoBeth Curlin Weber and Don Weber – Beth Curlin Weber and Don Weber are using a $3,135 loan from the SOAR Production Loan Fund to construct a 12’x 40’ high tunnel greenhouse on their 16- acre farm in Garrard County to expand their vegetable production and extend their growing season. In addition to being small farmers, Beth Curlin Weber is a program officer for the Brushy Fork Institute and Don Weber is self-employed as a woodworker and blacksmith.  They also sell produce at the Berea Farmer’s Market and operate Bodger’s Best, a crepe/taco cart at the market and other venues.  The food cart uses vegetables and herbs grown on the farm.  Don Weber also has a micro-processing license and will soon begin to make rubs, sauces and pickled items to sell.  The Weber’s keep bees for pollination and some honey production.

The SOAR Small Production Loan Fund is a low-interest financing resource designed to assist small producers grow healthy, nutritional foods so that they can move into commercial production. The goal is to support and educate growers to develop a strong local food system in eastern and southern Kentucky that will be market-supported and result in a profit for the growers.


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