Beth Curlin Weber and Don Weber – Beth Curlin Weber and Don Weber are using a $3,135 loan from the SOAR Production Loan Fund to construct a 12’x 40’ high tunnel greenhouse on their 16- acre farm in Garrard County to expand their vegetable production and extend their growing season. In addition to being small farmers, Beth Curlin Weber is a program officer for the Brushy Fork Institute and Don Weber is self-employed as a woodworker and blacksmith. They also sell produce at the Berea Farmer’s Market and operate Bodger’s Best, a crepe/taco cart at the market and other venues. The food cart uses vegetables and herbs grown on the farm. Don Weber also has a micro-processing license and will soon begin to make rubs, sauces and pickled items to sell. The Weber’s keep bees for pollination and some honey production.